Community Service
This is Carter. He's the son of one of our members. He wanted to collect Halloween costumes to give to other children who wouldn't otherwise have one. We loved the idea and wanted to support him.
What an awesome kid!
and my legs quiver going up a twelve-foot ladder. So, how would I do dangling from a rope 375 feet in the air? That was the big Question.
On September 1, 2016, two Rotary Club of Calgary Olympic members joined 47 others to rappel down the Calgary Sun Tower’s thirty floors (375 feet). It was in support of Easter Seals. I was one of them. Nichole Lavigne, an avid rock climber and adventurer- and the instigator and Team Captain of this stunt, was the other club member.
Easter Seals provides support for those with disabilities for all ages, but the Drop Zone places special emphasis on children with disabilities by sponsoring a camp. They, too, get to rappel, regardless of disability!
Officially, Rotary Club of Calgary Olympic had the second largest team donation for the Calgary Drop. We did not come close to the largest single donor, though. We raised $5,000 in a short time, but next year, our personal challenge is to double time or more.
Other cities, St John’s, Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Prince Albert, Vancouver, also have a Drop Zone challenge, but Calgary has the farthest Drop.
So, here is the challenge. Join us or challenge our club next year’s Drop!
It’s not about conquering your fear of heights, because that is only about you.
It’s about the Four Way Test:
Is it safe? Yes. That is the Truth.
Is it fair to all concerned? Every one is equally safe
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? Media is out and tells listeners Rotary is involved and the roof top camaraderie is definitely there.
Will it be beneficial to all concerned? You get an adventure paid by others, the children get an adventure they would not have had, and Rotary’s name is out in the public eye showing we not only donate, but we participate.
For more information on how you or your Club can in some way participate in a great four Way Test event, contact or
Our Rotary Club, along with the other Rotary Clubs in Calgary, are supporting the building of the Rotary/Mattamy Greenway. It is a 138 km continuous route around the city of Calgary for cyclists, runners, and walkers.

We were thrilled to support 'NStep this year. They are a local organization, started by a Rotarian, who teach children the importance of physical activity and healthy eating. They work in schools in BC, Alberta and Ontario to teach teachers how to run the program, teach the children themselves and provides `snack attacks'.
We're sponsoring a K-6 school in SE Calgary.
We purchased 500 swim passes this week for low income youth in Calgary to visit their local public pool.
Every 6 months we hold a bridge tournament for anyone in Calgary who wants to participate. It's a fun day of volunteering for our members and a great opportunity for many people in the community to come together! We always have lots of and chocolate!
Here are some pictures of our members and the prizes at the end.